Farmers: Rungeto Farmers Cooperative Society
Exporter: Vava Coffee
Importer: Sustainable Harvest

Price paid by us to Sustainable Harvest for the landed coffee to our roastery: 14.00CAD/kg (including shipping, customs and financing costs)

FOB price: The price paid to Vava Coffee before it departed origin: 11CAD/kg

Farmgate price: around 120 Kenyan Chillings (KES) per kg of cherry.

One thing that is hard to navigate while buying Kenyan coffees are the export rules and the auction system.
The export license are limited and almost all coffee needs to pass by an auction. The AA and AB lots will always fetch more, and by default, the C grade, no matter how tasty, are always getting paid less.
It's still important to buy the C lots because otherwise, they will receive a penny on the dollar on the internal market.

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