Fugi Ikizere - Transparency
Washing Station: Fugi
Farmers: 23 small holders
Exporter: Baho Coffee
Importer: Semilla Coffee
Price we paid Semilla for the landed coffee in Montreal: 17CAD/kg
FOB price: 10.75CAD/kg. This is the price paid by Semilla to Baho for the coffee up until the coffee is securely in the container, ready to depart origin.
Farmagate price, aka the price paid to the 23 farmers for their cherries: 680 Rwandan Francs per kilo of cherries.
As a comparison, the national farmgate price was of 420 Francs. Semilla paid 60% above market price.
Semilla and Baho worked hard to ensure a level of transparency, traceability and market access that is rare in the country. Not only are the farmers well paid, they can share their coffees with the world because of the work they do. We are very happy to have this coffee on the menu!
The group of 23 smallholder farmers is comprised of only woman, and has been bought by Semilla for the second straight year. Introducing the Fugi Ikizere Group:
Costasie Mukamuzima, Epiphanie Ntawangaheza, Theodosie Uwambajimana, Adidja Nyiracumi, Vestine Sindikubwabo, Josephine Uwimana, Bernadette, Mukandemera, Christine Utarengejeho, Berancilla Baravuga, Mariam Kabagwira, Verediane Mukamparirwa, Angele Mukanyonga, Venantie Nsaguye, Speciose Nyirantashya, Drocelle Nyirarugwiro, Christine Nyandwi, Alphonsine Mukamugema, Seraphine Mukaremera, Marguerite Niyongere, Venantie Mukakizima, Veronique Niyonizeye, Cecile Nyiraminani, Emerance Hategekimana.