Robusta Trung Huynh Farm - Transparency
Farmer & exporter: Denise Bustamente
Farm: Hacienda Legrand
Importer: The Coffee Quest
Price we paid for the landed coffee at our roastery: 44CAD/kg
*Airfreight cost for second round of this naturally trippy 10$/kg
Farmgate (and FOB) price: 27CAD/kg
Since the farmer and exporter are the same in this scenario, it means that they control the price from farm all the way until the coffee is safely on board. This gives more power to farmers and we are all for it!
Breakdown of extra cost to explain the difference between price paid and FOB:
- In country transport and logistics: 1,20CAD/kg
- Financing and warehousing: 0,50CAD/kg
- Importer fees: 1CAD/kg
- Shipping form the USA + customs: 1,30CAD/kg